Laudato Si’ Action Platform

“Interdependence obliges us to think of one world with a common plan.” (LS 164)

Epiphania registered for the Laudato Si’Action Platform today! This global movement follows these principles of integral ecology: “Response to the Cry of the Earth,” “ Response to the Cry of the Poor,” “Ecological Economics,” “Adoption of Sustainable Lifestyles,” “Ecological Education,” “Ecological Spirituality,” and “Community Engagement and Participatory Action.” As part of this movement toward a holistic spirit of integral ecology, we will share:

  • a reflection on how our values connect with and bring to life the prophetic vision Pope Francis’s 2015 encyclical, Laudato Si’.

  • an annual Laudato Si’ plan that includes our desired outcomes and actions.

  • an annual self-assessment.

We encourage you to consider joining us in being part of the Laudato Si’ Action Platform.

To enkindle our hope for healing, for wholeness, we share Sir David Attenborough's address to world leaders at COP26.


Entering the Wounds: Healing Practice